Code Generation Templates

Code generation templates provide sophisticated code generation functions.

Templates are simply text files. They may be hierarchical organized. There is always one top level template. All the other templates have to be included to gain access to the template’s functions and variables.

A template file usually contains normal text and templating commands intermixed. A bound sequence of templating commands is called a script snippet. As a special case a template file may be a script snippet as a whole.

Cogeno supports two flavours of script snippets: Python and Jinja2. A script snippet has to be written in one of the two scripting languages. Within a template file snippets of different language can coexist.

Template Snippets

/* This file uses templates. */
 * @code{}
 * template_in_var = 1
 * cogeno.out_include('templates/template_tmpl.c')
 * if template_out_var not None:
 *     cogeno.outl("int x = %s;" % template_out_var)
 * @endcode{}
/** @code{.cogeno.ins}@endcode */