About Cogeno

For some repetitive or parameterized coding tasks, it’s convenient to use a code generating tool to build code fragments, instead of writing (or editing) that source code by hand.

Cogeno, the inline code generation tool, processes Python 3 or Jinja2 script “snippets” inlined in your source files. It can also access CMake build parameters and device tree information to generate source code automatically tailored and tuned to a specific project configuration.

Cogeno can be used, for example, to generate source code that creates and fills data structures, adapts programming logic, creates configuration-specific code fragments, and more.

About Cogeno scripts

Script snippets that are inlined in a source file are used as code generators. The tool to scan the source file for the script snippets and process them is Cogeno. Cogeno and part of this documentation is based on Cog from Ned Batchelder.

The inlined script snippets can contain any Python 3 or Jinja2 code, they are regular scripts.

All Python snippets in a source file and all Python snippets of included template files are treated as a python script with a common set of global Python variables. Global data created in one snippet can be used in another snippet that is processed later on. This feature could be used, for example, to customize included template files.

Jinja2 snippets provide a - compared to Python - simplified script language.

An inlined script snippet can always access the cogeno module. The cogeno module encapsulates and provides all the functions to retrieve information (options, devicetree properties, CMake variables, config properties) and to output the generated code.

Cogeno transforms files in a very simple way: it finds snippets of script code embedded in them, executes the script code, and places its output combined with the original file into the generated file. The original file can contain whatever text you like around the script code. It will usually be source code.

For example, if you run this file through cogeno:

/* This is my C file. */
 * @code{.cogeno.py}
 * fnames = ['DoSomething', 'DoAnotherThing', 'DoLastThing']
 * for fn in fnames:
 *     cogeno.outl(f'void {fn}();')
 * @endcode{.cogeno.py}
/** @code{.cogeno.ins}@endcode */

it will come out like this:

/* This is my C file. */
 * @code{.cogeno.py}
 * fnames = ['DoSomething', 'DoAnotherThing', 'DoLastThing']
 * for fn in fnames:
 *     cogeno.outl(f'void {fn}();')
 * @endcode{.cogeno.py}
void DoSomething();
void DoAnotherThing();
void DoLastThing();
/** @code{.cogeno.ins}@endcode */

Lines with @code{.cogeno.py} or @code{.cogeno.ins}@endcode are marker lines. The lines between @code{.cogeno.py} and @endcode{.cogeno.py} are the generator Python code. The lines between @endcode{.cogeno.py} and @code{.cogeno.ins}@endcode are the output from the generator.

When Cogeno runs, it discards the last generated Python output, executes the generator Python code, and writes its generated output into the file. All text lines outside of the special markers are passed through unchanged.

The Cogeno marker lines can contain any text in addition to the marker tokens. This makes it possible to hide the generator Python code from the source file.

In the sample above, the entire chunk of Python code is a C comment, so the Python code can be left in place while the file is treated as C code.

About Cogeno extensions

On invocation Cogeno scans a list of given directories for extension modules and imports the modules. An extension module may add additional options to the Cogeno invocation or may provide other information specific to the extension directory. The Cogeno extensions are available to the script snippets.