Invoking Cogeno


cogeno [OPTIONS]


Cogeno transforms files in a very simple way: it finds chunks of script code embedded in them, executes the script code, and places its output combined with the original file content into the generated file. It supports Python and Jinja2 scripts.


The following options are understood:

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-x, --delete-code

Delete the generator code from the output file.

-w, --warn-empty

Warn if a file has no generator code in it.

-n ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING

Use ENCODING when reading and writing files.

-U, --unix-newlines

Write the output with Unix newlines (only LF line-endings).

-D DEFINE, --define DEFINE

Define a global string available to your generator code.

-m DIR [DIR ...], --modules DIR [DIR ...]

Use modules from modules DIR. We allow multiple

-t DIR [DIR ...], --templates DIR [DIR ...]

Use templates from templates DIR. We allow multiple

-e DIR [DIR ...], --extensions DIR [DIR ...]

Import extensions from extensions DIR. We allow multiple

-i FILE, --input FILE

Get the input from FILE.

-o FILE, --output FILE

Write the output to FILE. “-” indicates stdout.


Sanitize the suffix of the output file. Remove typical template suffixes.

-l FILE, --log FILE

Log to FILE.

-k FILE, --lock FILE

Use lock FILE for concurrent runs of cogeno.


Return the base directory of cogeno. Other options are ignored.

Additional options are related to Cogeno modules.

--cmake:cache FILE

Use CMake variables from CMake cache FILE.

--cmake:define [defxxx=valyyy ...]

Define CMake variables to your generator code.

--config:db FILE

Write or read config database to/ from FILE.

--config:file FILE

Read configuration variables from this FILE.

--config:kconfig-file FILE

Top-level Kconfig FILE (default: Kconfig).

--config:kconfig-srctree DIR

Kconfig files are looked up relative to the srctree DIR (unless absolute paths are used), and .config files are looked up relative to the srctree DIR if they are not found in the current directory.

--config:kconfig-defines DEFINE [DEFINE ...]

Define variable to Kconfig. We allow multiple.

--config:inputs FILE [FILE ...]

Read configuration file fragment from FILE. We allow multiple.

--edts:bindings-dirs DIR [DIR ...]

Use bindings from bindings DIR for device tree extraction. We allow multiple.

--edts:bindings-exclude [DIR ...] [FILE ...]

Exclude bindings DIR or FILE from usage for device tree extraction. We allow multiple.


Do not add EDTS database’s generic bindings to bindings by default.

--edts:db FILE

Write or read EDTS database to/ from FILE.

--edts:dts FILE

Write (see dts-pp-sources) or read device tree specification to/ from this FILE.

--edts:dts-pp-sources FILE [FILE ...]

Generate the DTS file by pre-processing the DTS source FILE(s).

--edts:dts-pp-include-dirs DIR [DIR ...]

Define include DIR(s) to pre-processor.

--edts:dts-pp-defines DEFINE [DEFINE ...]

DEFINE variable to pre-processor.

--protobuf:db-dir DIR

Write or read protocol buffer code databases to/ from DIR.

--protobuf:sources FILE [FILE ...]

The *.proto source FILE(s) to generate the protocol buffer code for.

--protobuf:include-dirs DIR [DIR ...]

Search for *.proto import files in the protocol buffer include DIR(s).