Cogeno extensions

Search for Cogeno extensions

On invocation Cogeno searches the list of directories given in the --extensions DIR [DIR...] option for Cogeno extensions.

If a cogeno/<extension_name>.py Python module is found in an extension directory the module is imported by Cogeno. All Python commands within the <extension_name> module are executed. Scripts and script snippets can import the module by it’s name <extension_name>.

There may be several modules within the cogeno directory. All of them will be imported.

Script Cogeno extension modules

The cogeno/<extension_name>.py file is a regular Python module. All of Python can be used.

Add options to the Cogeno invocation

A typical use case is to add further options to the Cogeno invocation:

from pathlib import Path

import cogeno

component_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent

cogeno.options_argv_append('--edts:dts-pp-defines', 'MY_EXTENSION=1')
cogeno.options_argv_append('--edts:dts-pp-include-dirs', str(component_path.joinpath('include')))
cogeno.options_argv_append('--edts:bindings-dirs', str(component_path.joinpath('edts/bindings')))
cogeno.options_argv_append('--protobuf:sources', str(component_path.joinpath('proto/myproto.proto')))

Manage extensions hirarchy with Kconfig variables

Another use case is to have a hirarchy of extensions possibly controlled by Kconfig variables.

Toplevel <extension directory>/cogeno/<toplevel_name>.py file:

from pathlib import Path

import cogeno

component_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent

if cogeno.config_property('CONFIG_MY_SUB_EXTENSION', None):


Sublevel <extension directory/whatever/sub-extension>/cogeno/<sub_extension_name>.py file:

from pathlib import Path

import cogeno

component_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent

cogeno.options_argv_append('--edts:dts-pp-defines', 'MY_SUB_EXTENSION=1')
